Derby 2023, Poem, Prose, Shorts, Stories, Thoughts

Hi All! Another Derby Blogpost

It’s been a week since my last post and it feels good to feel like there’s some sort of consistency to posting once more. So, I’m going to try and keep that same energy moving forward, in the midst of all the numerous things I’m currently working on.

And what does that mean in the grand scheme of things for this website and my blogging habits moving forward? Hopefully, that I get to share more about how the book writing is going!

In any case, I hope you’ve all been alright and your week has been great.

For today’s post, just wanted to highlight a bit more on the derby. Partly because I took part (and I’m trying to get some extra traction because that’s always cool) but also because I believe it’s a wonderful event that deserves some extra love and attention moving forward. Which, interestingly enough, is something I should have been doing from its inception.

I’ve been reading through the released books as well and been very pleasantly surprised at the quality of work that the other authors have put out in this third iteration of the derby.

The Menu: A taste of the quality so far, 2023

I’ve got a few more to go through before I start adding my reviews properly, so that no one gets to suss out my identity ;). I would like to hear what you think though.

Some sci-fi books…

Have you read any of the books on the list?
Have you seen anything that interests you?
What kind of genre do you like?

Some gamelit books…

I would really love to hear all your thoughts. Anyway, to end this all… more work is going on Alpha’s sequel and I should have more to share on that book very soon. I have another book series in the works, passed through an editor and currently back with me for some more story work.

And I genuinely can’t wait to share more of it all with you.

Have a great week!

Descriptive, Fiction, Life, PenPractice, Prose, Stories, Uncategorized, writing

One Of Those Rare Thursday Posts…

It’s been a long time since I’ve had to write something other than a story or the occasional tweet but this has been coming nonetheless. I remember the times when I used to get ready to blog or muse about something profound but those days are few and far between… With the state of the world and life and cost of living and all that.

In any case, I’m back now. I’m here.

That said… Is there a reason why I’m posting today after such a long period of silence? Yes. Marketing.

You see… There was an idea to bring together a group of of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to write the stories that we never could.

A couple of some writing folks I know created a publishing press and with that publishing press, they began something of an event that I have come to really love over the three years(?) that it has been run. And, believe me when I say its a lovely event.

Allow me to introduce you all to “The Inkfort Publishing Press’, Derby 2023”

Click the link to see more about the Derby

So, what is this all about?
In essence, this is an annual event hosted by Inkfort where authors are challenged to hone their skills, practice their marketing, get some feedback, and maybe even earn a bit of money for their efforts.

Derby Authors get a random cover, with an illustrious anonymous pen name and then we’re given a set of time to write a story based on the cover, edit, publish and market to see how well we do. And now that the books are published (well, most of them), I’m hear to share them with you.

I took part as well, under a interesting name and with an interesting premise and I wrote a book on an interesting thing. I’d really be interested to see if anyone can figure out who I am.

All in all, the books are out on Amazon and some other sites, if you’re interested. But most importantly, you can check out the list of the books here on Goodreads

2023 Publishing Derby

Does this mean I’m back to the random story and poetry slam I’m used to? Maybe… But let’s take it slow for a while longer. I promise to return in full.

Have a nice day and hopefully, a lovely weekend!